Category Archives: External Article

W. M. Hunt on Bohnchang Koo’s Slow Talk In The Photobook Review 008

There is a review of Bonhchang Koo’s Slow Talk by W.M. Hunt in the latest The Photobook Review that accompanies the Summer issue of Aperture Magazine.

The review isn’t available online, but print or digital subscription information can be found here. The magazine is also available at many bookshops.

OT: Photography Criticism Goes Mainstream: NY Times Magazine Redesign

There are few (if any) large scale general interest publications that feature photography criticism regularly and make it accessible for a lay audience. With the NY Times Magazine’s relaunch, Teju Cole’s new column, On Photography, appears to herald just such an offering. Cole’s first column is directed towards the work of Roy DeCarava. The column moves seamlessly between close readings of several photographs, technical concerns, the social context within which the photographs were made and the social impacts DeCarava’s work made that continue to reverberate in present (photography & film) culture. I think that the Times ought to be applauded for this offering and am excited to see where Cole directs our gaze next.

This post, originally published on my other blog daily_up, is a bit off topic, but as the world of photography is so small I assume those interested in what I’m doing here will likely be interested in Cole’s new column.

Graphic Magazine #30: Publishers **Correction 1/14/15**

Cover, Graphic Magazine #30: Publishers. (Image hotlinked; apologies to Graphic Magazine)
Quickly: Graphic Magazine #30 features interview with ten publishing companies. Check it out.

Graphic Magazine is put out by Propaganda Press. On my last visit to Seoul I picked up Park Sung Jin’s Kid Nostalgia published by PP that I’m looking forward to writing about once I’ve had the time to spend some time with it.